Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Istanbul: A bad choice

A suggestion: Never go to Istanbul during the Bayrami

Called Eid el-Adha or Eid el-Kebir in Arabic, Kurban Bayrami (koor-BAHN bahy-rah-muh) is the most important Islamic religious festival of the year, and a 4 or 5-day public holiday in Turkey. It affected hardly my holiday’s plans.

For this 2006, January: Began officially on the afternoon of the 9th (Monday), but affects travel from the 6th (Friday) and 7th (Saturday) through the 15th (Sunday). Exactly the dates we’ve chosen

Some advises:

1. Have some cash on hand when the holiday week starts. You should be able to withdraw cash from ATMs (at least on weekdays), but it's good to have a reserve, just in case.
2. The good points: some museums and sights (such as the bazaars) are be closed on the three first days of the holiday.
3. BANKS & BUSINESSES CLOSEDMost banks, business and government offices are closed for five days or longer, so you should stock up prior to the start of the holiday on Turkish lira cash and any supplies you may need. (A few shops and businesses stay open to provide essentials.)
Public transport are likely to be severely crowded during the holiday period.
At least buses are free and trans are only 0,50 Turkish Lira instead the normal price of 1,10.
Anyway, be prepared for frustration, delay and inconvenience

You know, I like to see an alive city, millions of people working hard when I’m enjoying the view, no way this time, everything interesting was closed, even the Baazars.