Monday, January 23, 2006

Reference Film: Hamam by Ferzan Ozpetek

Hamam (1997)
Director: Ferzan Ozpetek
Also Known As:

Bagno turco, Il (Italy)
Hamam: The Turkish Bath (UK)
Hamam: el baño turco (Spain)
Steam: The Turkish Bath (USA)
Cast: Alessandro Gassman, Francesca d'Aloja, Carlo Cecchi, Halil Ergün, Serif Sezer, Mehmet Gunsur, Basak Köklükaya, Alberto Molinari, Zozo Toledo
Runtime: 94 min
Country: Italy / Turkey / Spain
Language: Turkish / Italian
Colour: Colour
Sound Mix: Dolby SR

Synopsis: Francesco and Marta are husband and wife running a small design company in Rome. When Francesco's long forgotten Aunt Anita dies in Istanbul, he travels there to look after the sale of the hamam (one of a few traditional Turkish baths left) he inherited.
There he meets the family running the hamam, gets attracted to a member of it and the whole Turkish atmosphere and decides not to sell the hamam…


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