Thursday, February 23, 2006

Leave your comments about Berlin


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Celso --

Another fascinating document about one of the great cities of the world. I was stationed in Berlin in 1970-1972, with the U.S. Army. I haven't returned yet, but plan to do so in the near future (but during warm weather, despite your preference!).

As you know, Berlin was a divided city then, and I was not able to visit the Eastern part of the city. All of my recollections of Berlin are filtered through the surreality of my military service. It certainly was a city which carried its past with it, one of my most vivid memories being that of standing in the Olympic stadium, the site of the 1936 Olympics.

Thanks for resurrecting some of those memories for me with your striking photos.


9:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Loved reading your blog. I've also been to Berlin many times and always think of it at winter time. I also visited in 1984 before the wall fell and again many times in the 1990's. Lots of great pics of horny boots!


1:23 pm  

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