Monday, February 27, 2006

Minha realidade presente é fruto inquestionável de anos de sonhos, construções e des-construções. Meu percurso, nem sempre fácil, foi moldado a partir das muitas opções tomadas, opções que não lamento nem me arrependo. Há muito desisti de ter uma vida convencional e rotina não é palavra em meu dicionário.
Vivo e sempre vivi em constante de contradição entre um acentuado estado de conservadorismo em oposição a uma necessidade constante de transgredir.
Quando falo de transgressão, não me refiro de todo a “drugs and rock and roll” que deixo aos pretensos transgressores, gente típica desta massa sem lucidez com quem reparto a vida neste planeta.
Minha real fonte de aprendizado está na humanidade das pessoas, seja ela elevada ou não. Não há Literatura, História, Ciência ou Arte que melhor me tenha trazido conhecimento ou dado a conhecer a infinita beleza e horror deste mundo.
Quando me refiro a uma pessoa, por analogia me refiro a um colectivo ou a um povo e não há melhor maneira de o fazer que se aventurar pelo mundo afora a conhecer gente, países e culturas. Independente do resultado obtido, independente se você, ao final das contas, gosta, ama ou odeia.
Sou movido por paixões, “latiníssimo” de acordo com minhas origens mas extremamente mental na análise e na absorção dos sentimentos.
O pior que posso sentir em referência a qualquer coisa é a indiferença, prefiro os extremos, sempre. Não suporto o mediano!
Já não tenho disposição para viajar, mas não consigo parar. Às vezes ambiciono férias estando em casa sem sair, mas mal acabo uma viagem, outra já está na forma.
Assim sendo, decidi criar um novo BLOG: Um lugar onde relato minhas viagens e paradas, aventuras e desventuras como se de um diário se tratasse.
Claro está que não estou para criar um portal para o mundo, um Blog ilustrativo tipo agência de viagens ou site de turismo, mas como um inveterado individualista, crio este Blog para meu próprio prazer e para recordar. Sempre do ponto de vista de um fetichista que busca o mesmo a cada paragem: Botas e Homens que as usem. Permito-me assim, repartir com aqueles que partilham dos mesmos gostos as informações pertinentes, as experiências e o sentir. Claro está, que também o faço para todos os curiosos e possuidores de espíritos abertos.
Assim, como prometido, este Fevereiro reparto convosco uma das minhas cidades preferidas: Venha (re)descobrir ou (re)encontrar Berlim
Seja então, muito bem-vindo e desfrute...
Celso Junior

My present reality is unquestionably the result of years of dreams, constructions and deconstructions. My path, not always easy, was moulded from the many options made, options for which I am not sorry nor do I regret them.
I have given up a conventional lifestyle ages ago, and routine is not a word in my dictionary.
I live, and have always lived, in a constant contradiction between a tremendous state of conservatism in opposition to a repeated necessity to transgress. When I speak of transgression, I don’t mean the "drugs and rock and roll" which I leave to the pretend to be transgressors, the average person of this mass without lucidity with whom I share life on this planet.
My real source of learning is in the humanity of people, either elevated or not.
There is no Literature, History, Science or Art that have brought me better knowledge or showed me the infinite beauty and horror of this world. When I say a person, for analogy I mean a people or a country, and there is no better way to do it than to venture oneself in the world and get to know the people, the countries, and the cultures, despite the result, whether in the end one loves or hates it. I am moved by passions, very Latin in accordance with my origins but extremely mental in the analysis and the absorption of the feelings. The worse I can feel towards any thing is indifference; I prefer the extremes, always. I can not stand the average! I no longer feel the urge to travel, but I can not bring myself to stop. Sometimes I long for a vacation in house, without ever leaving, but as soon as I finish a trip another is already forming itself.
Thus being, I decided to create a new BLOG: a place where I recount my trips and voyages, adventures and disadvantages as if it was a diary. Obviously I don’t mean to be creating a window to the world, an illustrative Blog like a travel agency or tourism site, but as an inveterate individualist, I create this Blog for my own pleasure and remembrance. Always from the standpoint of a fetishist who always searches for the same in these places: Boots and Men who use them. I allow myself thus, to share the pertinent information, the experiences and feelings with those having the same tastes.
Of course I also do it for all curious people with open spirits.
Assim, como prometido, este Fevereiro reparto convosco uma das minhas cidades preferidas: Venha (re)descobrir ou (re)encontrar Berlim.
Welcome and enjoy...
Celso Junior
Talking about Berlin

That is my 12th trip to Berlin.
Since 1997, religiously I’m in Berlin in February to attend Berlinale, the Berlin Film Festival (hard work) and perhaps that was the reason why I prefer Berlin in wintertime. It is frequent to see a cold, grey and windy city, sometime coloured by chocking orange old fashion building or light green of ultra modern one, the lights inside houses and shops, the yellow metro cutting the landscape, the over dressed people on its streets… the language.
I never considered Berlin a beautiful city, not at all, but Berlin share with Paris the status of my two favourites cities in the world. And the reason is simple: its people and especially its atmosphere. Berlin has a soul, I’m not sure if Berlin is male or female but it knows how to seduce me.
So many adventures, so many histories, so much fun, some hot scenes. Berlin is Culture, Berlin is Art, old and modern, men are handsome, people are open minded and assumed on their diversity. A cosmopolitan city, tolerant made for the 21st century.
I couldn’t choose another month to post Berlin. February is a good suggestion of when to visit it.
So, come on and let me share with you all this atmosphere, all this alive and kicking Berlin…
Talking about Berlin

Berlin is back: Back as the capital of a reunified Germany and back as one of Europe’s greatest cities. After World War II, Berlin was a crippled pawn, sandwiched between East and West, with a literal and metaphoric wall deeply dividing the two halves.
The north-eastern German city even suffered the ignominy of losing its capital status, as the West German government fled to Bonn.
Today, the Cold War and the iconic events of November 1989, which saw the Berlin Wall torn to pieces by those whom it had oppressed for so long, are starting to seem like a distant memory and all the talk in Berlin is of the future.
Remains of the WALL at PostdamerPlatz
Talking about Berlin

Berlin invites us to savour the intoxicating mix of old and new: The modernity with this wave of new construction like Postdamer Platz or the Reichstag and its historical charm: I could talk about the old streets of East Berlin, which are slowly being restored after remaining unchanged for 50 years, through to the grand architecture of Museumsinsel and Unter den Linden, and the green lung of the Tiergarten Park.
I believe that explains why Tourism is on the rise, Berlin used to be a very cheap city, perhaps one of the cheapest European Capitals, now, unfortunately this situation is changing and Berlin starts to standardise.
Anyway, things aren’t so bad; because you still can do a lot here without spending a fortune.
Talking about Berlin and Boots…

If you are a fetishist like me I guess my BLOG is the right place to learn, to see, and to feel Berlin more…
During my exploring I have collected everything concerning my own taste to share with you: enjoy the great passages of Berlin’s history. Learn more about every single inheritance of Berlin including Historic Monuments, Museums, Palaces, Art Galleries, Theatres, Parks and of course: Bootedmen, Boots, more Boots, Boots again and where to enjoy or buy them.
Playing with a booted friend in Berlin
Men from Berlin

The Nightlife in cosmopolitan Berlin is full of offers: there is everything, from authentic beer halls and old Soviet era haunts right through to buzzing style bars and Latino nightclubs.
My Goodness, who cares about all of this?
Let me be more specific and talking about interest in fact: Gay Life.
Berlin is the just the Best:
Nice places to go, to buy, or just to be seated on an esplanade (summer time, of course) or inside a Café watching people (Men) and enjoying life on its best.
Take a tour to the gay districts: Schöneberg, Prenzlauer Berg, Kreuzberg or Friedrichshain and enjoy the hot, interesting, assumed and handsome men.
Talking about men…

Some years ago, Sunday, early morning, when Berlinale still took place at the Zoopalast, I was leaving from the ticket office and suddenly my eyes crossed one of the most handsome “bears” I ever saw. Pure attraction!
He was a foreigner like me and we hadn’t any common language, just the desire to be together.
Well, I wont tell all about how the fairy tale finished, but the shy Jacob posed for me and I got a warm souvenir for life.
Oil on canvas 1999
120cm x 80cm / 47,24” x 31,49”